
Stop and Check Your Brakes

Stop and Check Your Brakes

It’s a good idea to check your brakes to ensure that they will be in safe working condition before the colder weather arrives. Brakes are one of those normal wear items for any car. Eventually, they...

Your Brakes and Preventative Maintenance

Your Brakes and Preventative Maintenance

Your brakes are an extremely important function and safety feature of any vehicle. In the event that they malfunction, you could be looking at quite a costly repair, or even worse, you may get into...

Common Car Noises and Their Causes

Common Car Noises and Their Causes

We rely on our cars to get around, and it’s natural to hear strange noises at some point or another. Some noises will come from an obvious part of your vehicle, while others will be harder to make...

1807 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B7

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The red seal mechanics at Rover Automotive provide the best vehicle repair and maintenance
services for all makes and models in North Vancouver.